USD 306 Approved Updates to the Reopening Plan - Summary of Changes


  1. Susceptible:  A person who is not fully vaccinated (if 18 or older includes booster) or not within 90 days of a clinically confirmed positive case.

  2. Non-susceptible:   A person who is fully vaccinated (if over 18 includes booster) or is within 90 days of a clinically confirmed positive case.

  3. Clinically confirmed test:  a test given in a certified setting that reports to the State database.   (school test is clinical;  home test is not clinical)

  4. Masking:  All references to masking require a well-fitted mask properly worn covering the nose and chin without obvious gaps (most cloth masks do not qualify as well fitted).

  5. Symptomatic:  The following lists of symptoms have been updated based on the most current variants:  fatigue; body ache; headache; vomiting; diarrhea; cough; sinus congestion; and fever.  Fever must be absent for a minimum of 24 hours WITHOUT fever-reducing medications.

  6. Day 0 is designated as the day symptoms were first noticed or if asymptomatic then Day 0 is the day a test was taken. 

Positive Students/staff:

Positive students or staff are quarantined from the onset of symptoms through day 5 and may return to school on day 6 with a clinically confirmed negative test. Students will mask days 6-10. Students participating in extracurricular activities must continue to wear a mask on days 6-10 at all times, including during participation.  Students and staff in the building during days 6-10 will be provided with a separate eating location since masking is not possible during lunch.

Close Contact with a known positive case at school w/o symptoms:

Susceptible student or staff - Wear a mask for 10 days and monitor for symptoms.

Non-susceptible - Monitor for symptoms.

Close Contact with a known positive case in-home w/o symptoms:

Susceptible students or staff must quarantine from school for the first 5 days but are eligible to test to return on days 6-10.  A mask is to be worn on days 6-10.  Non-susceptible students and staff can test to return on days 1-5 and must wear a mask at school for days 1-10.  To be eligible for the shortened quarantine students or staff must be able to isolate themselves from the positive case while at home including wearing a mask at home. 

Symptomatic Students or Staff:

All of the above conditions are contingent upon the person being asymptomatic.  If any student or staff develop any of the symptoms listed or suspect they may have any contagious illness, they should not come to school.  Southeast of Saline continues to have quick tests available.  It is recommended that tests be taken at the onset of symptoms so that proper precautions can be taken if necessary.  Self-monitoring remains a key component to reducing the spread of illness and keeping our school open.

Lunch with children:

Starting on Tuesday, January 18, parents will be able to schedule a day to eat lunch with their child at school provided that an alternate table or room is available for the day requested.  All efforts will be made to accommodate requests but limitations will exist and flexibility on possible dates is appreciated.

Elementary School entry:

Elementary students who are dropped off at school will no longer walk to the west playground entrance in the morning.  Students may now be dropped off at the North Entrance and begin entering the building once the first bus releases their passengers.  This is typically between 7:50 and 7:55 a.m.   Parents should continue to utilize the front row of parking spaces and be mindful of stopping in areas that might block a bus from reaching its designated slot.